馬 騰
- 環境経済学、エネルギー経済学、応用計量経済学
- 湖北工業大学 マーケティング専攻 修了
- 滋賀県立大学 環境科学研究科 博士前期課程 修了
- 神戸大学 経済学研究科 博士後期課程 修了
- 2017年9月—2017年10月 神戸大学経済学研究科 特別研究員
- 1. Ma, T., and Takeuchi, K., 2017. “Cleaning the air for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: An empirical study of thermal power sector in China,” Issued by Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 1718. (Discussion Paper) (Resource and Energy Economics (Under review))
- 2. Ma, T., and Takeuchi, K., 2017. “Technology Choice for Reducing NOx Emissions: An Empirical Study of Chinese Power Plants,” Energy Policy, 102, 362-376
- 3. Ma, T., and Takeuchi, K., 2016. “Controlling SO2 emissions in China: A panel data analysis of the 11th Five-Year Plan,” Issued by Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 1609. (Discussion Paper) (Singapore economics review (Under review))
- 4. Ma, T., 2015. “An Empirical Study on Environmental Finance in China: A case study in Wuhan, China,” The Rokkodai Ronshu. Keizaigaku-hen, 60(1), 1-14. [日本語]
- 1. “An Empirical Study on Environmental Finance in China: A Case Study in Wuhan, China,” Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 19th Annual Meeting (2014), Hosei University, Tokyo.
- 2. “Controlling Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in China: A Panel Data Analysis for the 11th Five-Year Plan,” Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20th Annual Meeting (2015), Kyoto University, Kyoto.
- 3. “Controlling Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in China: A Panel Data Analysis for the 11th Five-Year Plan,” Rokko Forum (2016), Kobe University, Kobe.
- 4. “Controlling NOx Emissions from Power Plants in China: A Plant Level Study on Technology Choice,” Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 21th Annual Meeting (2016), Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo.
- 5. “Cleaning the air for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: An empirical study of China’s thermal power sector,” Ryukoku University (2017), Kyoto.
- 6. “Cleaning the air for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: An empirical study of thermal power sector in China,” The East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, The 7th Congress of EAAERE, Singapore.
- 7. “Cleaning the air for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: An empirical study of thermal power sector in China,” Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 22th Annual Meeting (2017), Kochi University of Technology, Kochi.
- 環境経済政策学会