

KIMURA, Fukunari

KIMURA, FukunariAs of Mar 2021

Senior Research Fellow, APIR Senior Professor, Keio University President, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) Senior Research Fellow, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Educational background

  • 1991 Ph.D. (Economics), Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 1990 MS (Economics), Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • 1982 Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law (Political Science Course), University of Tokyo


  • 2015 - 2017 Dean, Graduate School of Economics, Keio University
  • 2012 - 2014 Representative Director, Tokyo Center for Economic Research
  • 2010 - 2012 President, Japan Society of International Economics
  • 2008 - Chief Economist, Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
  • 2000 - Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
  • 1994 - 2000 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University
  • 1991 - 1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, State University of New York at Albany
  • 1982 - 1986 Researcher, International Development Center of Japan

Journal Articles and Papers

  • "The Impact of COVID-19 and the US-China Confrontation on East Asian Production Networks." Seoul Journal of Economics, 34(1), 2021: 27-41.
  • "Pandemic (COVID-19) Policy, Regional Cooperation and the Emerging Global Production Network." Asian Economic Journal, 34(1), 2020: 3-27 (with S.M. Thangavelu, D. Narjoko, and C. Findlay).
  • "Production Networks and Unbundling: Reformulating the Conceptual Framework in Theory, Empirics, and Policy Discussion." Public Policy Review, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, 16(1), 2020: 1-16.
  • "Defending the Rule-based Trading Regime: The Multilateral Trading System at Risk and Required Responses." Asian Economic Papers, 18(3), 2019: 78-87.
  • "Are Production Networks Passé? Not Yet." Asian Economic Papers, 17(3), 2018: 86-107 (with A. Obashi).
  • "Measuring the Usage of Preferential Tariffs in the World." Review of World Economics, 154(4,) 2018: 705-723 (with K. Hayakawa and N. Laksanapanyakul).
  • "Value Chain Connectivity in Indonesia: The Evolution of Unbundlings." Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 54(2), 2018: 165-192 (with L. Chen).
  • "Unbundling Regimes and Development Strategies in ASEAN: Old Issues and New Challenges." Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 35(1), 2018: 13-21.
  • "Industrialization and Poverty Reduction in East Asia: Internal Labor Movements Matter." Journal of Asian Economics, 48, 2017: 23-37 (with M. S. Chang).
  • "Deepening and Widening of Production Networks in ASEAN." Asian Economic Papers, 16(1), 2017: 1-27 (with A. Obashi).
  • "The Role of China, Japan, and Korea in Machinery Production Networks." International Economic Journal, 30(2), 2016: 169-190 (with A. Obashi).
  • "Trade Creating Effects of Regional Trade Agreements: Tariff Reduction versus Non-tariff Barrier Removal." Review of Development Economics, 20(1), 2016: 317-326 (with K. Hayakawa and T. Ito).

Academic Association Affiliations

  • The Japan Society of International Economics (Vice President (2008-2010)) (President (2010-2012))
  • Japanese Economic Association


  • 2015 The 10th Kojima Kiyoshi Prize Award, Japan Society of International Economics.
  • 1997 First Order of King Hussain Decoration of Distinguished Service to the Country, The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan

Research Projects & Papers

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    The State of Political and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2024 Fiscal Year » Asia Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    This project aims to examine the current state of production networks in East Asia and the future of the international trade order. In addition, it aims to reaffirm the importance of free and open economic activities based on international trade rules, while reconciling the interests of economic security with the economic benefits of globalization in an unstable international environment.

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    The State of Political and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2023FiscalYear » Asia Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    Research leader:

    Fukunari Kimura (Professor, Keio University/Senior Researcher, APIR)


    Research outline:

    This project aims to examine the current state of production networks in East Asia, and the future of a rules-based international trade order. In addition, it aims to reaffirm the importance of free and open economic activities based on international trade rules, as well as the importance of balancing free economic activities with economic security amid the decoupling of supply chain in certain sectors.

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    Political and Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2022FiscalYear

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    Research leader:

    Fukunari KIMURA, Professor, Keio University & Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


    Research outline:

    Taking into account the changes in the international trade system caused by the Ukraine crisis, the U.S. mid-term election, and the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, among other factors, we analyze various aspects of the future of the free trade system. The China-U.S. trade war and the rapid progression of the digital economy have considerable impact on multinational firms, and the situation is evolving rapidly. In view of these developments, we conduct forum-style workshops to provide businesses with the latest information.

  • KIMURA, Fukunari

    Economic integration in Asia: Outlook and challenges

    Research Projects

    Research Project » 2021FiscalYear » Asia-Pacific

    AUTHOR : 
    KIMURA, Fukunari


    Research leader:

    Fukunari KIMURA, Professor, Keio University & Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


    Research outline:

    Our goal is to provide a platform for discussion on the future of the free trade system in light of the ever-changing international environment caused by circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. As the U.S.-China trade war, progress in the digital economy, and other aspects that have a strong impact on the overseas business development of multinational corporations are evolving at a rapid pace, our symposium also takes into account the latest information relevant for business activities.